Government and Schools

Designed to meet the specific needs of government organizations and schools, Sage FAS Gov can help save time and money, and help guarantee accurate funding and budgeting. Use Sage FAS Gov to easily and effectively satisfy the GASB 34/35 reporting requirements. The latest GAAP accounting rules are incorporated in the depreciation calculation engine, ensuring accurate fixed asset accounting and reporting.

More than 10,000 Assets/Microsoft SQL Network
FAS Gov 500 Asset Accounting helps manage all fixed assets and maintain reliable, relevant, useful data, and provides the flexibility and scalability available with Microsoft SQL Server. Sage FAS puts essential data at your fingertips quickly and easily with extensive reporting capabilities, making closing the books, taxes, and budgeting a breeze.

Stand-Alone/Network/Fewer than 10,000 Assets

FAS Gov 100 Asset Accounting provides the same complete depreciation calculations as the entire FAS Asset Accounting family, and can be used as a stand-alone version, or can be networked for multiple users. Built-in security ensures that users can only access the information they need based on their role in the organization.

Download detailed information about FAS Gov Asset Accounting