Government and Schools

FAS Gov Asset Inventory seamlessly integrates with FAS Gov Asset Accounting, allowing physical inventory data to be easily reconciled with existing asset data. You can also conduct multiple inventories concurrently at various sites and reconcile data at one central location.

Designed to be easy to implement and use, FAS Gov Asset Inventory has an "Import/Export Helper" that allows you to import and export data to the many spreadsheet and database applications.

More than 10,000 Assets/Microsoft SQL Network
FAS Gov 500 Asset Inventory provides a highly flexible solution for tracking and reconciliation of asset data. Sage FAS provides powerful reporting capabilities allowing you to access information quickly, easily, and the way you need it.

Stand-Alone/Network Solution for Fewer than 10,000 Assets
FAS Gov 100 Asset Inventory provides the same complete depreciation calculations as the entire FAS Gov Asset Inventory family, and can be used as a stand-alone version, or can be networked for multiple users.

Download detailed information about FAS Gov Asset Inventory