BTerrell Group Blog

Webinar: Cloud Financials for Project-based Businesses

Posted by Brian Terrell on Mon, Sep 07, 2015

When:  Wednesday, September 9th at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET

How will you manage the financial complexities of your project-based business?Revenue and profitability depend on an accurate and automated service-to-invoice cycle—yet you're dealing with different departments, different systems, and different teams. If you want to improve productivity, reduce operating costs, and answer the tough questions quickly, take a cue from today's leading companies—they are using the cloud to streamline financial processes.

Attend this webinar and discover how you can improve:

  • Performance and profitability through connected financials, projects, time and expense, and resource management

  • Project success through real-time dashboards and project collaboration

  • DSO, revenue recognition, time and expense, reporting, and more by integrating financial processes

By Brian Terrell of BTerrell Group, LLP, Intacct and Sage ERP & CRM provider based in Dallas.

Register Now.