BTerrell Group Blog

Where Are All The Online Shoppers?

Posted by Brian Terrell on Mon, Aug 31, 2015

In this new digital era, it sure seems as though ecommerce is the predominate place to find your customers; unfortunately, not everyone is buying online.  As indicated in this blog post by Robin Smith called “The 7 Question Series,” nearly 50% of consumers do NOT buy online.  Since approximately 30% of Americans don’t have access to broadband internet at home and only 58% of Americans own a smartphone, there seems to be a surprising gap in technology.  In addition, consumers have become fearful to buy online due to recent security breaches at major businesses including Target and Home Depot.  So where is ecommerce headed?

Continued evolution of mobile and smartphone technology will steadily improve the online shopping experience.  When combined with unique marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, and location-based technology, ecommerce could eventually drive consumption.  Successful ecommerce requires a plan, strong technology, and the support of your C-suite.  Learn how ecommerce has evolved and contact BTerrell Group for more information about improving your ecommerce activities with the support of modern technology.

By Brian Terrell of BTerrell Group, LLP, Intacct and Sage ERP & CRM provider based in Dallas.