BTerrell Group Blog

Why Document? Documentation Reason #4

Posted by Meredith Gooch on Thu, Aug 27, 2009

System reference materials are invaluable resources. Unfortunately, the reference materials given by manufacturers are often too generic to be helpful. Are you aware that you can have system reference materials written describing how a system applies to your specific processes? User manuals, quick start guides, and training materials are only a few examples of the types of reference materials that can be created through documentation.

By enabling your users to be more self-sufficient, you can reduce training costs and time spent with support services - saving you both valuable time and money that can be used for your core business processes instead. Let Terrell & Terrell help you develop the system documentation that works best specifically for YOU and YOUR firm.

- Deborah Conrad, Documentation Specialist

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Tags: document, documentation, system reference materials, start guide, user guide

The Importance of Business Process Documentation in Mid-Market ERP Projects

Posted by Meredith Gooch on Mon, Jul 13, 2009

The contractor built my house from a plan. Toyota built my car from a plan. I’m typing on a computer built from a plan. Why not implement a mid-market ERP system from a plan?

Prospects love this idea until they hear it cannot be free. A good plan cannot be free, otherwise everyone could do it and there would be far more plans than projects. To expect either a smooth, undocumented implementation or a good, free plan is about as likely as driving on an interstate highway that is yet to be mapped out. Without a plan, every quote is just a guess and every Statement of Work is just a prayer. If one is contemplating the acquisition and implementation of a mid-market ERP program from which will come information to guide important future business decisions, then a plan is the right investment.

A good plan displays a company’s human resources and business processes on paper in chart form. The plan could be 75% graphic and 25% narrative and might cost $2,000-$7,500 or even more. However, it might provide the needed insurance against a project gone wild, and, most importantly, it will turn a guess into a quote.

- Brian Terrell, CPA and Managing Partner

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Tags: document, documentation, business process, ERP, mid-market

Why Document? Documentation Reason #3

Posted by Meredith Gooch on Thu, Jun 25, 2009

“I don’t have time to worry about compliance. Don’t we have lawyers for that?”

Your Legal and Human Resources departments shouldn’t be the only ones concerned about legislative and regulatory risks because these risks affect all areas and departments of your business, making compliance every employee’s responsibility. There are increasingly stringent legal and regulatory requirements being placed on companies of all sizes. Many of these requirements carry hefty penalties for non-compliance.

If you don’t have the internal resources, Terrell & Terrell can work with you to develop the types of documentation you need to achieve compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley 404, data privacy, and other general or industry-specific legal and regulatory requirements. We can help you with narrative policies and procedures, process maps, controls matrices, and any other business documentation your company may need.

Be proactive. Call Terrell & Terrell…before the auditors arrive.

- Deborah Conrad, Documentation Specialist

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Tags: document, documentation, Sarbanes-Oxley, SOX 404, reporting, compliance

What is a "Needs Analysis" and Why Do I Need One?

Posted by Meredith Gooch on Mon, Jun 15, 2009

A Needs Analysis is a documented evaluation of the functions you want your technology to have or the needs you hope the technology will meet. It can be used to prioritize technology purchases to ensure that immediate needs are satisfactorily addressed and that future needs are included in long-term purchasing plans.

More importantly, the Needs Analysis can be used to facilitate crucial communication between end-users and the technical team to ensure implementation of a customized technology solution that delivers the desired functionalities.

Before you commit your company’s resources, let Terrell & Terrell help you document your technology needs and define your specific functional requirements so that you can shop wisely and find the best solution.

- Traci Spratt, Documentation Specialist

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Tags: document, documentation, Needs Analysis

Why Document? Documentation Reason #2

Posted by Meredith Gooch on Mon, Jun 01, 2009

Picture this…
You have just found out that there will be staffing cuts across several departments in your company beginning immediately. Even though you are already short-staffed, several key employees will be let go. You are the one responsible for redistributing the workload. What do you do first?

You and your colleagues may start digging through old meeting notes and presentations, trying to remember the what/how/when/who, etc. Unfortunately, you soon realize that you are in over your head.

How would you insure that critical work processes stay on track with minimal disruptions of internal operations and, most importantly, with minimal disruption to your customers?

Having well-defined process documentation, such as workflow diagrams and procedures manuals, will give you a head start. This is yet another reason why you should document.

- Deborah Conrad, Documentation Specialist

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Tags: document, documentation